Pharmacy ForMe

Realising that people’s approach to health has changed, ForMe Pharmacy has adapted to the latest trends and customer needs to provide a modern pharmacy experience in Bagatelle Mal and Bo’Valon Mall. They provide traditional prescription alongside complementary health and beauty solutions such as phytotherapy, aromatherapy, beauty and hair care as well as dietary products. Their focus is on prevention and continually improving one’s state of health. Come and discover their wide range of products!


Bagatelle Mall

Monday to Thursday: 09:30AM - 8:30PM

Friday & Saturday: 09:30AM - 10PM

Sunday: 09:30AM - 3PM

+230 468 8900

Bo'Valon Mall

Monday to Thursday: 09:30AM - 8PM

Friday & Saturday: 09:30AM - 8PM

Sunday: 09:30AM - 2PM

+230 630 1506 +230 206 9448